Discipline can make you win the race

Discipline can make you win the race/Soup for the Soul
We start going to school at a very young age, when we start learning what’s what and start understanding what others want to convey us, is the time that our parents send us to school because that’s where our skills start getting polished and that’s where the foundation of our practical life is put.
The first thing we learn at the school is staying disciplined. We are meant to wear a certain code of clothes and that too in their proper pattern, we follow a strict order of seating, we follow the commands given to us by our teachers and that’s how discipline is defined.
And one thing that we notice, is that discipline has nothing to do with intellect. Sometimes the intelligent ones are in-disciplined and that’s the reason why they’re not liked by their mentors.
If we’re a disciplined person, we’ll give out a positive signal to people who’ll catch it and that’s what will make things right for us.
Like the good old days, we may become the Monitor of the class or we may become the notorious one. The choice is ours!
Our mind is the home of everything we carry in our self. The self talk we do in our mind is what makes our personality.
But at times, we just over think and our self-talk becomes too negative to give out any good vibe to us. All we end up thinking is the bad, either for our own self or for others and that’s where the negative vibe is generated.
Our thoughts get contaminated sometimes when we over think and it surely has its aftermaths.
But by this, no one gains anything, not us, not the person we think about. It’s just the loss and the ones at loss are we our self.
soup for the SOUL
If over thinking is the problem then ending the same is the solution. We should end over thing and the negative self talk we do at the back of our mind even though it’s tough to do that.
But once we start keeping our mind occupied, it’ll not get anything to think about more than desired. It’ll be productive and we’ll be the ones who’ll gain a lot at the end.
So feed the mind some good beans, it’ll give out a great produce.