Cricket-integral part in India

Cricket-integral part in India/ Soup for the Soul
Cricket-integral part in India/ Soup for the Soul. It is one of the most essential requirements for living and surviving in India. Cricket is not just a sport instead it is a religion which is bringing together all the other religions together and binding them together in a single knot. All of us are aware of the scenario of a day when there is an important match for the Indian cricket fanatics. Everyone in the nation holds back their breath so as to not miss a single shot by their favorite player or to see a peculiar bowling style. Or in case the match has reached a critical juncture, which will alter the outcome of the match. Indians have elevated the stature of cricket to a whole new level and it is adorable that the team upholds the trust of their fans. Go team India!
Because 100 crore prayers are more than enough to boost 11 players