Conquering the heights [Did You Fall]

Conquering the heights/Soup for the Soul
Every person has their own battle called their LIFE. Life is nothing less than a battle in itself, no matter whose life it is. We all go through our own sorrows and happiness, we all have those good and bad phases but most of all, we all have that uphill struggle that we got to do to be THE BEST!The heights might scare you!
The battle of being the best is not a new one, it’s been up since man realized his existence.
But most of the times, in the hurry of reaching the heights and in the haste of proving our mark, we forget that we live in a society. We’re no animals but humans and more than any creatures, we need people around us to make our life complete, that’s what friends and family are for!
But unfortunately, the race of reaching the heights makes us blind and we see nothing and no one around us.Then what?!
We surely reach the heights but when we stand there alone and look down, it scares the hell out
Fear of the Heights
Some roads might not cross.
A lot of our decisions depend on what others think or do. We sometimes follow other people or do things that’ll bring us closer to them or that’ll please them.
Looking ahead in life, to your future is a very good thought but that should be for our self and not be influenced by other’s presence.
If we do something with our life, keeping some other person in our mind and assuming that things might work out as we’ve planned then there’s no bigger fool than us. Future is uncertain and so are people. If today someone is with you, you have no guarantee in life that they’d be with you in the future too. You might assume that maybe one day your roads will cross if you choose one particular path but that might be your illusion.
Your roads might seem to be crossing in the future but they won’t actually cross. That’s when you feel cheated by your own self.
So always make the choice by keeping your own future in mind, a future that has a vision of your own life, irrespective of anyone else.
Take the right decision, don’t fool yourself.