Burn the Heat

Burn the Heat-The heat that burns us!A snake is always bothered because he always feels hot. He has that inbuilt heat inside of him that doesn’t let him be relieved. And the reason of the heat is the venom he’s blessed with!
Can we relate!? Of course we can!Burn the Heat
What do we have inside of us these days? Most of us!
If we look at people these days and even if we look at our own self, we’re filled with the negativity up to the brim! The negativity, which works as the snake’s venom and burns our insides.
And the negativity comprises of the most trending feelings these days, jealousy, discontentment, betrayal, depression and what not! They all lead to the miseries of a man. In fact they’re the root cause of every misery.
Is it easy to avoid such feelings?
Well no! its not easy but nothing has been easy since the day we’re born. It’ll only become easy if we keep on practicing it.
Let’s all breath in deeply! Let the good in and let the bad out!
Someday! We’ll be able to beat the bad out of us and be happy. Till then, keep breathing!
Only then you’ll seek solace because like the snake, this heat won’t let you sleep and will burn your insides!
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With the smoke, flies your life!
“Smoking is injurious to health!” he read the bold red colored font on the box of cigarette and smiled.
Burn the Heat
The next moment, he flip opened the box, slipped one cigarette out, lit it and let the smoke out! He felt better and light because since hours he had been fighting with the urge of smoking his tension away!
He was a literate, he could read the bold red words well and could understand them too. But instead of understanding them, he chose to overlook them because his urge was much beyond his control.
It’s like going inside a lion’s den, knowing that he’s been hungry from past days because you crib for adventure.
Are you too fool to understand that the lion will kill you!?
What adventure would it be after falling prey to your murderer? You wouldn’t even be alive for enjoying the memories of your adventure!
Same is with smoking. You thing it takes stress away but it’ll be the hugest stress of your loved ones when it’ll take you away from them forever!
Don’t find pleasures in fatal things, they’re eventually meant to take lives away!