My Creative Virtue; you can call it CV or Boring Resume

“At first, I taste bitter but slowly and gradually, I become your best friend at the times of happiness and sorrow. I no longer taste bitter. Then, you crave for me. You can’t live without me.
Embrace me I am your ‘Love at first sip’. I am your best friend; I am your worst nightmare.”
“When you praise my beauty, I too feel to admire your personality and attitude. I am not good with words but this is how I frame Bhavik Sarkhedi’s smartness & sense of humor. Bhavik, you are a WALKING TALKING STEPHEN HAWKING.”
–1 of 20 who ditched me.
Talent that couldn’t come out till date: Rapping, Standup comedy, Right arm fast bowling.
People (famous) I have worked with: Vivek Sancheti, Akshay Makadiya, Sunny Vaghela, Leonard Kim, Ketan Marwadi, John Nemo.
Rejected but tried for: AIB, TVF, youth ki awaaz, Zee TV & Write India (TOI) competition, TTT, Scoopwhoop, Buzzfeed.
Me on Google: 100+ Quotes, 100+ Images, 250+ Articles, 35+ Publications/ Blogs, 3 Books (The Weak Point Dealer, Will You Walk A Mile? & The C to T of Content Marketing)
Offline: 10+ Personal Diaries, 6 Years of Freelancing, Mechanical Engineer.
Endless TED like Talk Topic: Philosophy & Psychology
The name they gave me: Dude, Dealer, Bk, The Unproposed Guy, The lame loader, Douchebag’s Dude.
Places you will find me: I write Quotes on Goodreads. I am active on Reddit & Twitter.
My articles are funny but nobody have read it yet.
Last words before I die: I am on the fine edge, cliff, thin line, verge to ‘Be Famous’.
Unrevealed proud moments: Won 10k in a Casino at Goa, got on to make 15 dates who were totally unknown (Thanks to Instagram)
Untold dream: Walk on Times Square, New York.
Favorite Phrase: I express & I evolve. Karma is real.
You love things & people you hate yesterday. You hate people & things you love yesterday.
What makes me smile: Writing a letter to my parents. Gifting to the unknown but needy. Talking to the aged people. Learning from the smarter.
Words that changed me: ‘I am a huge & die-hard fan of Eminem. I would never want to meet me because that would kill my curiosity & passion to meet him.
Incident that shook me: Ask me personally.
Motivation & Inspiration: Yes, I am a self-motivator. I have friends & families, living 300 miles away. I don’t obey anyone & don’t take anybody’s advice including my parents’.
Stress-Relieving Activity: I cry alone for no reasons.
Movies for life: La la Land. The Green Mile.
Blessing for life: My look
Curse for life: My look
Book for life: The Alchemist
Song for life: Faded & Not afraid
Season for life: Mad Men
Favorite Artist: SRK, Eminem.
What would I do if I were omnipotent?
Reverse the souls of the existing genders (male & female)
Go back in time & meet Hitler
Go in future & meet me
Worst Nightmares:
I am going to die one day no matter what. When will I be then?
Worst fear of life:
I am alone. I have lived in solitude. I might be lonely someday, forever.
Biggest Joy of life:
I behaved normally. I cared accordingly. I lived ostensibly.
My parents didn’t believe in me.
My friends didn’t support me.
I tried gambling my luck & career. Unfortunately, one couldn’t find the other.
I am the fifth guy in the group of ‘Fantastic Four’.
I am always invited to a party because somehow, I overhear the invitation.
People say, I am pessimist. I am not.
I still try to dart. Though it’s no longer an art. I make happy efforts to fill my cart. Now, it has become an important part.
1 out of 100 packets (protection) torn down, Yes, it’s mine.
Fascinating Theory: How precise was Einstein when he had conceptualized ‘Theory of Relativity’.
That’s it. That’s all about Bhavik Sarkhedi.