Beyond the limits

Beyond the limits
Beyond the limits-Every morning as we awake from the long drowsy sleep we make fresh determinations and a set a few targets for the day. These targets need to be accomplished at the end of the day and achieving them will surely mark your progress in life. But at the end of the day when we assess the evolution of the work we comprehend that our day’s labor did not benefit us much.
Soup for the Soul India
Soup for the Soul India
This feeling can be baffling. At such adjunct you need to analyse your action and continue having faith in yourself. Pursuing your dreams is most essential even if you fail a thousand times. The ray of hope will always edify your road to success and your ‘strong will’ be your chaperon till the end. So, Arise, Awake and stop not, till the goal is reached (Swami Vivekananda).
Life is like a hurdle race where after every few steps a new challenge awaits to hinder your progress, slowing you down on your road to success. There are people who rejoice every challenge that stands in their way. They consider that obstacle as a medium to go beyond their limits and come out of their comfort zone. And they are right! Such hurdles of life will compel you to exert more and more till you overcome. Though in the process there will be a lot of failures but perseverance is what keeps you going. The single thought of success will give you the strength to struggle really hard. And in the end of this when you finally succeed in conquering it you will realize that you are a better person. In the process you will carry out something extraordinary that will astonish the world. So go beyond the limits !
For all the trials and tribunals one faces in life, one grows stronger with the experience of each and every one of them. There is a turmoil which judder our lives to its core. Such catastrophic events are inevitable and at some point or the other haunt everyone’s life. These times are a test of our patience and perseverance and what follows the storm is peaceful and soothing. But to enjoy the taste of the true happiness one need to be ready to suffer the pain. In these times of hardships, people give up and fall weak, but those who withstand, outshine all others.
Like Eminem’s famous lyrics say “ I am not afraid to take a stand “