[Fact-Checked] 5 sane advises every start up should run from

Owning a startup is like owning an empire of your own. While each one of us manages to stay in our respective cubicles there are some fickle minded ones who successfully manage to begin their venture. However, this doesn’t begin in a single day; every entrepreneur goes through a number of risk zones, cautioned advises and grinding nights to reach there. While there are number experiences to experience there are some saner advice that entrepreneurs are better off.
So, here is a compiled list of 5 sane bits of advice that every entrepreneur should ideally run from because no matter what, the route to success is paved on your own.
1. Settle first – Being settled is good since it creates a comfort zone but not when it comes to starting up. You must constantly on the look out of innovation and upgradations. The moment you decide to settle with an idea and create a comfort zone around it, be sure that this settlement shall soon dissolve and swallow you. Keep that unsatisfied expectation always on your sleeves since it lets you go a long way.
2. Experienced employees – Sage and saints often advise the new generation to hire the ones who have experience in the field since they can majorly input in the growth of the stat up. But, contrary to this belief hiring fresher turns out to become beneficial. Fresher employees are enthusiastic, inclined to learn and raw in terms of talent. Their ideas often go hand in hand with the trend which is ideally necessary for expansion and growth.
3. You are too young – The colour of your beard is certainly not an evidence of your wisdom. Young entrepreneurs often get to hear that they are too inexperienced to actually build an empire but hold on! Since when did the age guarantee maturity? Go ahead, if you believe that your idea is worth your investments.
4. Know your business – Yes, true! Knowing your business in and out is mandatory but giants of the industries didn’t advance in their business merely by minding their own. A keen eye on competitors and expertise of their moves is also necessary if you wish the survival of your startup in the long run.
5. Focus on profit – This is correct but partially. You need to focus on profits, but ‘only’ profits? Well, No! Your startup is not merely an organisation to you rather a brewing passion that you are making workable every day in and out. Without profit, the startup is not going to survive but broaden your senses and focus on other facets such as building the relationship. This shall take you and your startup in a long way.
Owning a startup is not a cake walk and the advice that worked for them may not work for you. Hence, do what your practical senses feels right at and you shall be able to gather a whole lot of new experiences. The advisory groups in your circle should be welcomed but don’t make yourself follow them mandatorily. Following the herd won’t make you a leader.